Do not stop expressions, stop anarchism: Baskota

Communications Minister Gokul Baskota has said that the government has been trying to regulate the change in the media.

Responding to the questions raised on the budget at the National Assembly, the resignation said that the government would not stop the freedom of expression but to stop chaos on Friday.
‘The change in technology has changed a lot of media access. Vijay Kumar Pandey, a journalist, has 4 lakh followers. The most popular magazine does not print 9,000 to 1 million, 'Baskota said,' Media is powerful or message! Chains are coming to the media. We have to regulate. Do not stop expression, stop chaos. '
He said that none of his place would work to stop chaos. "If there is no name in the name of freedom of expression, it is not too late," Baskota said.

He claimed freedom of expression. 'The media has gone well. Even if all of them are self-sufficient, not even if it is confirmed, they have been kept alive. There is absolutely freedom, "said Baskota.
Source: Setopati